I’m curious about the personality of an Abyssinian cat? Is it playful? Energetic? Mischievous? Vocal? Affectionate? How do they differ, personality-wise, from a Burmese or a Burmilla? [Read more…]
Abyssinian Cat Personality Traits
The Abyssinian is one of the most popular breeds in the world today. What makes them so loved by humans? Aside from their strikingly beautiful appearance, they have one of the most unique and amazing personalities of any breed.
Are Abyssinian Cats Good With Children?
When you have a young family and are considering any pet, it’s important to ensure that they will get along well with kids. There are many factors to take into account, including their personality, their health and even the lifespan of your cat. In general, Abyssinians are a very good breed choice for a household with kids.