When you have a young family and are considering any pet, it’s important to ensure that they will get along well with kids. There are many factors to take into account, including their personality, their health and even the lifespan of your cat. In general, Abyssinians are a very good breed choice for a household with kids.
The Breed
The Abyssinian breed is one of the earliest recorded pedigree cats, with it’s origins dating back well over a hundred years when a British army officer brought one of the cats back from Abyssinia (modern day Somalia).
The breed is well known for being intelligent, playful, loyal and devoted. Many owners of Abyssinian cats swear by the breed, and for good reason.
Abyssinians and Kids
The nature of Abyssinian cats is perfect for those who have children, as the cat will likely become just as attached to them as they are to you.
Known for being playful well into their adulthood and for snuggling up to their owners at every opportunity, these cats are quick to integrate and will become an important member of the family in no time.
Their playful, friendly and inquisitive nature means that they will be very willing playmates with your children, and they will likely become a memorable part of their childhood as they grow alongside their kitty “sibling”.
Another important point to make is that there are no inherent diseases associated with the breed, nor do they have any special grooming requirements. Unlike with other pedigree breeds, your cat isn’t going to have any increased risk of major health problems due to genetics.
The Abyssinian is a great breed for a house with kids, and will love all the attention, playtime and love your children can give!
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