I have been thinking about getting an abyssinian how much do they cost?
Cynthia Fagervik Spilsted: Depends on the breeder and other factors. Generally, you are looking at between $800 and $1000 in Canada for a pet quality Aby – well worth it! There might be extra costs as many are now neutering before releasing to new owners, but you can discuss that with the breeder you choose. Do your homework. Ask pertinent questions with regards to socializing and health. Do understand that these amazing, loveable cats are also little demons in disguise: if you are looking for calm and quiet, then look elsewhere. If you are looking for constant entertainment, then this is the breed for you! These beautiful, elegant felines are masters of destruction so not recommended for household with, say, a display of Ming vases – lol!
Monica Christine Dunkle: I used to own a Bengal – they are wonderful to have as well. range in price similar to an Aby … is $800 a kitten?
Cynthia Fagervik Spilsted: Yes. But that was years ago – and buying from a breeder that I had already purchased from (I have four!). You might get a ‘cheaper’ price for a retired queen, but I was assuming the person was looking for a kitten. The breeder I used always had home…See more
Monica Christine Dunkle: lol bengals are loud yes i always had to remind mine of his “indoor voice” haha
Jennifer Doig: That’s hilarious cause I’m always telling my two Bengals “Use your indoor voice and quit yellin’ ” lmao
Monica Christine Dunkle: i guess they just need to be “heard” LOL
Alex Freelove-Jensen: My Poppy’s half Bengal and she’s reeeeally loud lol
Susan Graham: Bengals are one of the loudest breeds and Abyssinians are one of the quietest.
Cynthia Fagervik Spilsted: Susan Graham – Except my Pepper – lol! He always has something to say……Usually telling me that he is not getting enough food, love, bed space….. But not loud like a Bengal or Siamese….
Susan Graham: My husband has a pet Bengal and I used to help other Bengal breeders raise kittens. Now I raise Aby kittens. There definitely is a difference, but they are more alike than different.
Linda Dyer: Look for a rescue.
JoAnn McDougall: I had looked for a rescue aby in my area for 2 years before I got the terrorist known as Jeni. Depending on the area you are in, it’s not always easy, I guess people around here, lucky enough to have an aby, are smart enough to know they have something extremely precious π
Maggie Champion: They are priceless !
Monica Christine Dunkle: I am shy about a rescue because so many have been abused – but i know it is a great thing to take in a resue
Juju Stevens: Aby rescue !
Monica Christine Dunkle: i will try and aby rescue
Monica Christine Dunkle: i had an aby when i was a child – just loved her to bits
Maggie Champion: My two are rescues. All 3 of us are happier for it π xx
Juju Stevens: We have feral mother part-Aby rescues. They’re Angels (though they still seem to miss living in a tree). Ok, so they’re not Angels. But they are wicked smart, funny, more curious than any cat I’ve ever met and goofy π
Jennifer Doig: My Aby is 4yrs old…paid $800 from her from a breeder out of LA. And now we want another Aby!! I love my two Bengals but won’t own another. But I’d have Abys all day long.
Monica Christine Dunkle: Bengals are difficult ….
Jennifer Doig: They require constant discipline and lots of exercise….and yes always into something. Wouldn’t trade them for the world…but no more. Abys are just so chilled out and relaxed and loving
Monica Christine Dunkle: bengals are so beautiful too
Monica Christine Dunkle: mine was always into “something” but that was the fun of it
Monica Christine Dunkle: Jennifer I messaged you about the breeder and I noticed your dog too what breed is that … might just add a dog to my mix too
Jennifer Doig: That’s Peeps my little Shih Tzu
Jennifer Doig: She and the youngest Bengal are BFFs
Liv Kristin MjΓΈen: In Norway a abby usually costs 1000 dollars.
Noelle Christina: Stop thinking. Do. You won’t regret it. Spectacular
Debbie Brown: Write to breeders about retired Breeders and show cats. Some sell them a little less money and they are great pets. If you want a kitten it is usually more.
Kate Aldinger: I have had 3 wonderful Aby’s from a breeder who was looking for a retiree home. 2 show kitties and one Mama kitty! π
Monica Christine Dunkle: thank you guys for all the support … i am a dog and cat lover … i love my little furr babyies and always will spoil them
Monica Christine Dunkle: what the toilet roll that i forgot to put away and then come back to the bathroom ….. one happy shredded mess
Gary Wahl: If you have to ask, then its too much. Not too mention when you have a problem and the vet treatment costs as much or more than the cat. Ugh!
Patrice Torrey: Yes any breed is some good amount of money but that’s why you look into a breed because you want a very special cat. An Abby or Somali are very special. Go for it ?
Enid Theodora: Don’t know where you live, but I got a 3 year old Aby from a Toronto shelter located thru North East Abysinnian and Somali Rescue, a FB group. He is a demon, all Aby all the time. But it was the first Aby surrendered into the 16 yrs the shelter worker had been there. There are other Aby rescue groups out there.
Jennifer Koontz: Hurray for rescue Abys!
Katherine E. Malmquist: They cost as much as a life — you can never judge what you get because they are family.
Cynthia Fagervik Spilsted: It so depends on where you live. If you are not in their ‘area’, most times you cannot adopt from a rescue. My next cats will be rescue – but not Abys because they are not available here….
Sarah ‘Mart’ Dawson: I accidentally gotten mine at a shelter when he was 6 months old. I didn’t know he was an abby until I noticed his unique fur and looks. After researching, I discovered his breed! He looks identical to purebred abbys and has the same traits π
Jeanne Piekarski: I agree it depends on where and who. Do your research too. A good breeder will want to meet you and interview you.
Vince Layton: The initial cost is probably $800-$1000. It’s when they get kidney disease that the cost skyrockets. Certainly not all Abyssinians will get CKD but they’re genetically predisposed to have kidney problems, if I remember correctly. Actually, one of my Abyssinians got diabetes which was more costly than the one with CKD.
Michelle Goulet Johnson: Just spent $1400. on dental work on a 5-yr old Aby and $600. on one that isn’t even 2 yet.
Vince Layton: Taking my 6 year old in for a cleaning in 2 weeks. Hopefully will be around $350. But yeah, pets can be expensive and pure breeds even more so.
Susan Graham: It helps a lot to keep their teeth cleaned and follow a good diet.
Chris Holcomb Crane: Monica, my kitten, Peyton, is one of Susan Graham’s. He is amazing! He is gorgeous, sweet and was very well socialized.
Susan Graham: Thank you, Chris. I couldn’t have hoped for a better home for him. <3
Chris Holcomb Crane: Peyton
Monica Christine Dunkle: aweee … Chris did that aby cost $800
Chris Holcomb Crane: Monica, Peyton wasn’t $800, but was comparable to other Aby kittens in cost. My decision was based solely on true reputation of his breeder. Foremost I wanted a healthy kitten
Susan Barnhart: My last 2 Abbys were rescues. Both were great cats.
Dawn Elaine: Priceless ! π
Diana Nolen: In our part of Ohio, about $800.
Susan Graham: You can look at FBRL (http://breedlist.com) for kittens or retired cats, or on Facebook at @Abyssinian Kittens Available or @Abyssinian Cats Available, or on the various registry breeder listings such as CFA and TICA.
Fanciers Breeder Referral List: Pedigreed cat breeders, purebred cat breeders,β¦
Ariel Michael-Yale Teeuwen: I am having trouble finding a breeder in Ontario. Any contacts there? We went to Quebec to get a kitten last time!
Susan Graham: Not many Abyssinian breeders in Canada. There might be one near there, but I don’t know them if so. I know two in Quebec.
Britt Geens: In belgium/europe 650 euro’s is a normal price for a pet Aby, neutered, chipped and vacinated.
Hisia Loustiquette Natacha: In France the normal price for a pet aby neutered, chipped and vaccinated is 1200 euros !Hisia was not spayed. In 2012 her price was 1000 euros.
Wendy McCracken: More important is to find a reliable breeder.
Chris Holcomb Crane: I agree with Wendy, the most important thing is to find a responsible breeder with healthy kittens. Often breeders with kittens much cheaper, are cheaper for a reason.
Wendy McCracken: Sadly, this is true.
Chris Holcomb Crane: Yes, and many people don’t realize that until after they’re home with an unhealthy kitten ?
Wendy McCracken: I am waiting, with someone I know, through referral. We have been in touch for several years. Those cats are like children and he is picky about placement. I agree.
Chris Holcomb Crane: Your baby will be worth the wait
Wendy McCracken: Chris, I wouldn’t have it any other way. I haven’t had many cats during my lifetime, but they have all been loved and lived to be over 15yrs old. I currently have a calico (rescued) and am waiting. I am patient. when the time is right… Yes well worth the wait!!!
Wendy McCracken: Why are people so keen on price? Health and love so much more important!
Chris Holcomb Crane: I couldn’t agree more! ?
Wendy McCracken: Where are you?
Wendy McCracken: All cats are special; we only have them for a short time.
Susan Graham: You’re right, Wendy. And it costs a lot more to care for a cat properly during their lifetime than the original price of the cat. But it’s reasonable to be concerned about the price, like with all purchases.
Chris Holcomb Crane: Wendy McCracken, I’m in Mid Missouri. I got Peyton in Atlanta
Javiera Paz: I have 3 beautiful kittens looking for a home. 2 boys, one girl. All ruddy color, vaccinated, chipped, and healthy. Beautiful personality, firiendly, always happy. If you wanna see pictures, see my Facebook Big Curiosity.
St Diane: They are worth every penny you will spend, no matter how much or how little. Please just make sure that you either adopt a homeless Aby or pay the price asked from a reputable breeder who comes highly recommended by many people. I would be concerned that anything in-between belies a problem or a kitten farm. In the UK I believe prices are Β£400 +. More if neutering is included. You will know what you are getting from a good breeder. It’s not just their looks and show worthiness and the temperament is more predictable from good breeders. And that lovely temperament is what makes them so special!
Fawn Cress: Definitely worth finding a good breeder and paying a bit more. My Siamese and I love our little Aby girl
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